Application Overview & Procedures

The following information serves to give you an overview of the study abroad process. For a more personalized guide to the study abroad process, we encourage you to print and complete the Study Abroad Guide and Workbook.

Pre-application Checklist

  • Inform your Academic Advisor you want to Study Abroad and make an academic plan
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.7 or higher
  • Attend a UM Study Abroad 101 and program specific information sessions  
  • Apply for/renew Passport  
  • Research UM Study Abroad Programs
  • Understand cost of studying abroad versus staying at UM by looking at the Budget Sheets (example) in the brochure pages
  • Note the availability of UM study abroad scholarship opportunities
  • Explore national scholarships, noting that some deadlines are more than a year before the travel takes place 
  • Speak with your family about enhancing your education with study abroad and your plan for financing it
  • Meet with UM Study Abroad Advisors, Global Ambassadors, and other past participants to get help with the process and to determine the best program for you 
  • Read Faculty-led application steps by clicking here
  • Read UPrograms and UM Partner Programs application steps by clicking here

To learn how the program types differ, click here

Apply Online

Visit the Program Brochure page to apply.

  • Select your program on Search Programs>
  • Select the Apply Now button on the Program Brochure page. This button will show when the program is accepting applications.
  • Log in with your CaneID to complete the application.
